Mens Colour and Style Consultation


Mens Colour and Style Consultation


The techniques we use and the expertise we have developed work equally well for men. Our one-to-one workshops for men include a full colour analysis to establish which colours make you look healthy, strong and credible.

Assessing your physical structure and your personality, we show you the best shapes and fabrics to wear. This will enable you to create your own unique look and invest in the right wardrobe.


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Why not enjoy the best of both and try out our Colour and Style Consultation in one go, and save money at the same time?

Our Colour and Style Consultations, brought to you online in the last few months, have proven to be very successful. We are now offering you a discount if you book both of our Colour and Style Consultations.

For the Style Consultation we send you a download of the style book for you to work from, and we go through the book with you page by page. We shall take you through the measurements and proportions - and look at necklines, scarves, jewellery as if we were in the studio. We will ask you to try on a few of your jackets - and also anything that you particularly enjoy wearing.

As part of the Colour Consultation we use our unique system based upon Johannes Itten’s 'principles of colour', established at the Bauhaus in the 1920's, to systematically compare and contrast a range of colours and their effect on your skin. From this you will see for yourself the remarkable difference that various colours make to your complexion. Based on the result we will put together your personalised colour guide tailored to your complexion, as well as advise you on hair colour, make-up, jewellery and accessories.